Sunday, June 7, 2015

Welcome to The Book Sprite

One day I was sitting upon my toad stool, reading a book that a human had carelessly cast away. As I read, I thought to my self, I have an opinion about this book (most of us enchanted creatures do have many opinions about many things;) then I thought, if they cast their stories into our world, why shouldn't I cast my opinion into theirs. 

In the depths of the night, I fluttered to the nearest human dwelling, where I utilized their infernal electronic contraption that I have heard them call a computer. After many hours spent hopping from key to key, I learned of this new breed of creatures called "the bloggers," not to be mistaken for a boggart (awful creatures they are). The blogger shares opinions about things they have a burning passion for. I went about the task of creating my own page in hopes that I too might be able to share my opinion. 

I have developed a fondness for human literature, especially books about enchanting creatures like myself. I shall share my thoughts, opinions, and conclusions regarding the stories such as they are for better or worse. 

My first review shall appear Friday next. Farewell my mortal readers, I am off to float through the clouds above the Amazon and find me a cast away. 

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